This 29th October we had a Citadel Tournament in LH8.2.
"Citadels" basically is an exciting card game based on Mediaval age.
You can be the King building up his cities,
Or... you can be a cruel Assasin hiding in dark,
And mighty magician who is able to cast his wonderful spells....
*For more information you can refer to our September post- Game Review: Citadels.*
Perhaps, You are the Chosen Warlord....
Let the WAR begins.............
"Citadels" basically is an exciting card game based on Mediaval age.
You can be the King building up his cities,
Or... you can be a cruel Assasin hiding in dark,
And mighty magician who is able to cast his wonderful spells....
*For more information you can refer to our September post- Game Review: Citadels.*
Perhaps, You are the Chosen Warlord....
Let the WAR begins.............
Can you see the yellow man walking around in the middle? Guess who he is ....
p/s: hint provided in this post....
And don't forget our following up winners~~
"Whose hand is it?!"
When our game is going on............................
*Why is she smiling... or maybe she is the assasin......
Let us see who is the next asssasin's victim...
Assasin's victim looks sad ~~ cheer up!
Take care guys, he is nearer and nearer to his victory...
Ans: Actually he's the king...
Come join the fun!
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